docks at Captain Jack's
We have 14 slips that we rent for the summer season. $1500.00 including access to power. Call for availabilty.
We have 9 transient slips that are available for restaurant customers. No overnight docking.
We currently have 5 captains running their charters out of Jack’s.

2024 Salmon Pen Rearing Program Wayne County, NY
Located at Krenzer Marine, Sodus Point, NY 14555
90,000 salmon were delivered on Thursday April 11 th at 10:30 am to Krenzer Marine. The fish were placed into 4 pens. We had 3 pens previously, one of which was no longer viable to use. Thanks to Chris Lockwood at L&B Fabricating, who donated his time, welded 2 brand new pens for us using materials that were provided by the DEC, local charters, and community members. The DEC also provided new nets for the pens along with automatic feeding systems. We received enough feed for the 90,000 salmon fingerlings from the DEC to sustain our salmon for the estimated 3 weeks that the will stay in the pens at Krenzer Marina. After which time, the will be released out into open water in front of Sodus bay via the pens being towed out and subsequently the salmon released. The towing process which will occur just prior to sundown, will be provided by a combination of both local charters and fishermen and Krenzer Marine. This process of releasing the salmon in deeper water increases our survival rates due to the ability of the salmon achieving greater depths to avoid predation by birds and like predators. Our end goal with increasing the survival rate of the salmon is to enhance the Salmon population that would resident our local waters from Pultneyville to Fairhaven. Increasing catches and overall experience in the fishing out of these local ports. The pen rearing program is not a new concept to Sodus bay, from 2010 until 2019 we had been receiving anywhere from 44,000 to 58,000 salmon fingerling per season. At the time we were raising these salmon in 3 pens in various locations around Sodus bay. These areas included Captain Jacks Tavern’s docks along with Arney’s Marina’s docks with the primary location being that of Krenzer Marine. With the return of the program in 2024 and the increase in volume of fish received, the extra pen and the increased assistance from everyone has been vital to the success of this year’s program. And the continued support from those involved in upcoming year’s programs.
The pens were prepared by the Wayne county charter captains and local volunteers. And the feedings that take place each day, numerous times a day, as per DEC recommendations, are taken care of by our local charter captains. The feeding process draws numerous interested spectators to watch as the salmon are given their food. The feeding process being spectated by community members has grown local interest and support in the program along with an interest in the fishery as a whole, and will increase involvement for years to come. We would like to thank our major sponsors: Krenzer Marine, L&B Fabricating, and Wayne County Tourism. With a huge thank you to Reasonable Heating and Cooling (Dave Cole) for the donation for the materials used to build one of the pens. These fish represent the hard work and dedication of the local business in the surrounding areas of the shoreline of Lake Ontario within Wayne County. We would also like to thank the USCG and Wayne County Sheriff’s Department for the access to their boat launch where the salmon pens are staged after the release of the fish prior to them being stored at Katlynn Marine property. We would appreciate any, and all other support from other community members or businesses, as the pen rearing program is anticipated to become a yearly event out of Sodus Bay again as it is in many other ports along the south shores of Lake Ontario. And lastly, we would like to thank the NYDEC for providing the opportunity to raise these fish and providing the guidance to have a successful program along with the materials and food required to get us started up again.
Thank you, and Let’s Go Fishing
~ Wayne County Charter Captains